Feeding directions with hay or pasture. Start with the amounts given for the weight and lifestyle of the horse. After observing the horse for a period of time, the amount fed may be increased or decreased by 10% to obtain the desired body condition and weight.
*These recommendations are based on the mare or growing horse eating the minimum recommended amount of hay per day (1.2 lbs per 100 lbs of body weight for mature horses, 1.0 lb per 100 lbs body weight for 300 to 400 lb weanlings, or 1.2 lbs per 100 lbs body weight for 500 to 1,000 lb growing horses. If feeding more hay reduce the amount of Ultium
® Growth Horse by 1.0lb for every 2 lbs of additional hay fed.
**Do not feed less than 0.45 pounds of Ultium
® Growth Horse Formula per 100 pounds of body weight per day for lactating mares. For growing horses weighing over 700 pounds, do not feed less than 0.65 pounds per 100 pounds body weight. If your horse gains too much weight at that minimum feeding rate, then you should replace Ultium
® Growth Horse Formula with Purina Enrich Plus ration balancing feed, and feed according to feeding directions.
***Adjust amount fed to achieve desired growth rates. Feed amounts from lower end of range for more moderate growth rate and amounts from upper end of range for more rapid growth rate. For growing horses in training, adjust feeding rate to maintain body condition according to level of work, making any changes in feed gradually.
For horses sensitive to dietary carbohydrates, please consult with a veterinarian or nutritionist for a recommended diet.