
Purina® Ultium® Growth Horse Formula

Purina Animal Nutrition LLC

  • $30.50
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Purina® Ultium® Growth Horse Formula was conceptualized after the Purina new product development team completed their successful launch of the original Ultium® Competition Horse Formula. The Ph.D. nutritionists at the Purina Equine Research Unit in Gray Summit, Missouri knew the advantages of feeding meticulously formulated, higher fat and fiber feeds to competitive athletes. But could the same principles be applied for young growing horses?

Since then, research spanning over four years was performed to develop a new feed formulated specifically for young growing athletes. Purina performed detailed scientific feeding trials on broodmares and young horses from multiple foal crops at varying ages, breeds and management situations. The research involved monitoring and measuring growth curves, body condition, joint health, activity levels, blood work and more to ensure optimal nutrient delivery to broodmares and growing horses.

The result was unique, industry-leading nutrition proven to support the development, growth and adaptive physiology necessary to produce a strong, healthy athletic horse. It’s another offering of advanced nutrition worthy of the Purina name. Purina® Ultium® Growth Horse Formula. It’s What It Takes®.


Ultium® Growth Horse Formula contains a concentrated calorie delivery system that supports the mare through all stages of gestation, with more total calories from added fat and fiber and lower sugar and starch. Lower feeding rates help support digestive health during this essential time.

Your foal’s best start begins with proper fetal development. Ultium® Growth Horse Formula provides research-determined amounts of nutrients, including copper and zinc for developing fetal liver stores to set the foundation for correct growth.

Suckling foals may nurse up to 80 times per day. Ultium® Growth Horse Formula provides additional milk components to support immune function, calorie, and nutrient transfers to active, growing foals.

Lactating mares can require over 35,000 kcal/day to produce adequate milk and maintain body condition. The concentrated calorie delivery system of Ultium® Growth Horse Formula provides the necessary calories during this critical period for both mare and foal sustenance.

Ultium® Growth Horse Formula helps support strong bone development by using high-quality nutrient sources. Amino acids, vitamins and minerals are supplied in optimal amounts and ratios as determined by research studies to provide the necessary building blocks for bone growth.

Young growing horses need carefully-balanced nutrition for optimal muscle development to grow into successful athletes. The protein quality and amino acid fortification of Ultium® Growth Horse Formula supports in the foundation, maturation and maintenance of healthy muscle.

Features & Benefits

Sustained Energy System®

A unique blend of three fuel sources to provide a steady level of highly digestible energy for developing and growing foals: soluble carbohydrates, fats and fermentable fiber

Targeted Nutrition Delivery System

Transports repair nutrients where they’re needed most. The balance of nutrients supports proper joint and long bone maturity to set the stage for the young athlete to start off right and continue on the correct path to competition.

Backed by Over Four Years of Research

Including measuring growth curves, body condition, joint health, activity levels and blood work in young, growing horses

Purina® Amplify® High-Fat Nugget

A proprietary blend of vegetable oils, flax seed and rice bran helps promote balanced immunity, smooth growth rates and shiny coats

Optimized Amino Acid Profile

Includes essential amino acids Lysine, Threonine and Methionine and branched chain amino acids to support muscle development and growth

Highly Digestible Fibers

Including beet pulp and soy hulls provide fermentable fiber to the hindgut for a slow-release calorie source that helps support weight maintenance and consistent lactation in broodmares and steady growth in young, growing horses.

Added Vitamins and Minerals

Including Copper, Zinc, Calcium and Phosphorus in essential ratios and quantities to help assure proper fetal stores during gestation, milk levels during lactation and tissue concentrations for continued growth

Added Antioxidants

Including Vitamins E and Selenium help support cellular metabolism and a strong immune system

Controlled Sugar and Starch

With higher levels of fat and digestible fiber may help reduce the risk of hindgut disturbances associated with high starch feeding practices

Nutrient-Dense Blend

With Pellets and Purina® Amplify® High-Fat Nuggets is highly palatable and highly digestible for young horses and broodmares

Concentrate Feed

Designed to be fed with hay or pasture


Min / Max
Crude Protein
15.50 %
1.00 %
Crude Fat
9.50 %
Crude Fiber
13.00 %
Calcium (Ca)
1.40 %
Calcium (Ca)
1.90 %
Phosphorus (P)
0.70 %
Copper (Cu)
90.00 PPM
Zinc (Zn)
270.00 PPM
Vitamin A
3400 IU/LB
Vitamin E
150 IU/LB
Selenium (Se)
0.60 PPM
15.00 %
8.00 %
Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF)
27.00 %
Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF)
16.00 %

Feeding Directions

Feeding directions with hay or pasture. Start with the amounts given for the weight and lifestyle of the horse. After observing the horse for a period of time, the amount fed may be increased or decreased by 10% to obtain the desired body condition and weight.  
BROODMARES Weight of Horse in Pounds
Lifestyle 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400
Minimum Hay or Equivalent Pasture* 7.00 9.50 12.00 14.50 17.00
Ultium® Growth Horse Formula (lbs/day)**
Gestating Mare (last 90 days) 3.25 4.25 5.25 6.0 7.0
Lactating Mare** 7.0 9.0 11.25 13.50 15.75
GROWING HORSES Weight of Horse in Pounds
Lifestyle 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000
Minimum Hay or Equivalent Pasture* 3.00 4.00 6.00 7.00 8.50 9.50 11.00 12.00
Ultium® Growth Horse Formula (lbs/day)***
Growing Horses, Weanlings and 2-year-olds*** 6.50-7.50 7.00-7.75 6.25-8.35 6.75-9.00 7.00-9.00 7.25-9.00 7.00-8.75 6.75-8.50

*These recommendations are based on the mare or growing horse eating the minimum recommended amount of hay per day (1.2 lbs per 100 lbs of body weight for mature horses, 1.0 lb per 100 lbs body weight for 300 to 400 lb weanlings, or 1.2 lbs per 100 lbs body weight for 500 to 1,000 lb growing horses. If feeding more hay reduce the amount of Ultium®  Growth Horse by 1.0lb for every 2 lbs of additional hay fed.

**Do not feed less than 0.45 pounds of Ultium® Growth Horse Formula per 100 pounds of body weight per day for lactating mares. For growing horses weighing over 700 pounds, do not feed less than 0.65 pounds per 100 pounds body weight. If your horse gains too much weight at that minimum feeding rate, then you should replace Ultium® Growth Horse Formula with Purina Enrich Plus ration balancing feed, and feed according to feeding directions.

***Adjust amount fed to achieve desired growth rates.  Feed amounts from lower end of range for more moderate growth rate and amounts from upper end of range for more rapid growth rate. For growing horses in training, adjust feeding rate to maintain body condition according to level of work, making any changes in feed gradually.
For horses sensitive to dietary carbohydrates, please consult with a veterinarian or nutritionist for a recommended diet.
Best Results
  • Feeding rates will vary with size, age, temperament, health status, forage quality,climate and activity level. Feed at regular times - at least twice daily - with three daily feedings preferred. Let horses feed in a natural position from troughs with large bottoms, placed at normal head height or lower. Do not feed free-choice. Prevent the rapid eating by the horse of any feedstuff.
  • Reduce and/or delay feeding a horse which is hot, excited or showing pain, has fever or diarrhea. Consult your veterinarian if any problems arise.
  • Always feed a minimum of 1.0 to 1.2 lbs per 100 lbs of body weight of good quality,clean hay or the equivalent in pasture.
  • Any feed changes should be made gradually over a period of 7 to 10 days. Changes in the rate of feeding should not exceed 1.0 lb per day for each horse.
  • Have plenty of clean, fresh water available at all times. Provide your horse with access to salt. Maintain an effective control program for internal parasites. Have the horse's teeth examined annually and consult your veterinarian on a regular basis.
Changing To
  • Make the feed change gradually over a period of 7 to 10 days.
  • Mix the new feed with the old, gradually increasing the amount of the new feed while decreasing an equal amount of the old.
  • Changes in the rate of feeding should not exceed 1 pound per day for each horse.
Store in a dry, well-ventilated area protected from rodents and insects. Do not feed moldy or insect-infested feed to animals as it may cause illness, performance loss or death. Feeding added selenium resulting in total diet levels in excess of 0.3 ppm is prohibited.

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