
Black Beauty® Sunny Grass Seed

Jonathan Green

  • $18.99
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Jonathan Green’s Black Beauty® Sunny Grass Seed contains turf grass varieties that perform best in full sun growing conditions due to their ability to tolerate heat and have great drought resistance. These Black Beauty® turf-type tall fescues possess a waxy leaf coating, like the skin on an apple, which preserves moisture by limiting evaporation and shielding the grass leaves from turf disease. This product performs particularly well on slopes where water runs off and in lawns with a southern exposure, whereas regular grass seed mixtures succumb to heat and drought stress. This seed germinates in 7-14 days.

  • When to apply – The best time to apply seed is mid-August to mid-October while the ground is still warm and the nights are cooler. Mid-March through mid-May is the next best time to plant, when the soil temperature reaches 55ºFahrenheit and the temperature of the air stays consistently warm.
  • Spread seed – Apply half of the seed with a rotary spreader in one direction (north to south) and the remainder in the opposite direction (east to west). It is beneficial to spread a new seeding fertilizer that is high in phosphorus at this time as well.
  • Rake seed – Rake lightly into the ground with a metal rake. Walk with light, even footsteps on the seedbed to firm the soil around the seed. Do not bury the seed more than one fourth of an inch deep.    
  • 3 lb Bag
    • Overseeding – Seeds up to 2,550 sq. ft.
    • New Lawns  – Seeds up to 1,275 sq. ft.


  • Water – For best germination, water daily to keep the seedbed moist. Continue watering regularly for a few weeks until the grass plants reach a height of 2 – 2.5 inches. 
  • Mow – Begin mowing when the new grass has reached a height of 3 – 4 inches. Make sure the mower has sharp blades. Be careful not to scalp the lawn, low mowing will stress the root system and encourage the growth of weeds
  • Grass Type:  Perennial Rye & Kentucky Bluegrass
  • Grass Color:  Dark green

    Recommended Planting Months:  For cool season grasses

    • Mid-August through mid-October
    • Mid-March through mid-May

    Sun Tolerance:  Excellent

    Shade Tolerance:  Fair

    Light Requirements:  Full sun to partial shade (4 – 8 hours of sun)

    Drought Tolerance:  Excellent

    Insect & Disease Resistance:  Good

    High Traffic Tolerance:  Good

    Planting Depth:  ¼ inches

    Germination Time:  7 – 14 days

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